My Pulse-jet design


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My pulse-jet

Ok so i didnt actually design my own pulse-jet i used another design but i did make some modifications so really its a completely different design that is only based on another!  yeah right!!!!

The design i started with was one called the Pulso1 and was recommended to me as it was supposedly easy to build and produced quite alot of thrust.  I took this design and built the combustion chamber,taper and tailpipe to the specifications on the plan, theres not really much i could change there anyway.


Once this part was finished(the easy bit) i then had to decide what i was going to do with the intake/valve assembly section.  The first thing i decided to do was use direct injection instead of the carbureted method used on the plans.  I could have then made things alot simple for myself and saved myself hours of work but ill talk about that later.
With the fuel supply sorted i begun about making the intake venturi as it is known from mild steel.  This isnt normally used but it was free and seen as though i never really planned on powering anything with it the extra weight doesnt really matter.  The intake venturi was produced on a lathe machine and took me about 6 weeks to make due to lack of free time whilst im at college.


the whole lot is connected together by 4 counter sink screws which do a really good job of holding everything together.
Now before you start making your own pulse-jet if you want to of course.  Dont make the same mistak that i did if your going to use direct fuel injection forget about the intake venturi, it isnt needed.  The intake venturi is only really needed in carbureted models where the venturi is used to increase air speed and draw in the fuel.  The direct injection method doesnt require this sort of setup so dont waste any time doing it.
Anyway below is what i ended up with.  It isnt perfect i knew it never would be but its a pulse-jet thats all that matters, and to be honest for a first time effort i dont think its too bad.


Future developments
Soon i am going to add a thrust augmentor to the tailpipe of the pulse-jet and i am going to upgrade the injector setup so that i get better fuel mixture and therefore a more efficient pulse-jet. 
Also the current jet still utillises the old pepsi can valve material, i want to change this to the proper spring steel or something else more suitable.

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