After many hours of developing/testing the circuit that was designed by bruce simpson i have come to the conclusion that for some reason it just wont work for me! Now dont get me wrong when i first built it it did work but due to the constant messing around i did with it it has decided that it doesnt want to work at all.
one of the problems i think with this circuit is the temperatures that the some of the components reached when in use even for only a short time. I dont know if any one else has had this problem with this circuit but due to the restrictions in time that i have left before the project needs to be finished i decided to obtain a proper ignition circuit that would definately work and therefore allow me to test my pulse-jet with an electronic ignition system.
below is a link too the supplier i used to obtain the ignition circuit.
Click here to goto FLAMETHROWERS.COM 
below is the rest of the ignition circuit page that shows how to build your own. this circuit does work i have just run out of time and can no longer afford to tinker with it.
 Here you can find out how to build your own pulse-jet electronic ignition system. Ok the circuit i used is a bit more complex than some others on the internet but ive been told that its much better. anyway it works so im not to bothered. below is a picture of the overall circuit diagram. .jpg)
click here to see a larger image To make sure that you dont forget a few components ive made a list of all the components you will need to build your ignition circuit. 
get the list now! The list above gives the quantity of each component that is required for the circuit, i would however from personal experiance recommend getting a few spare transistors and 555 chips just incase. maybe even two of everything. |